TISI hosts an international meeting of ISO to promote Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to the world standard

Hosting ISO/TC 292 Security and Resilience meeting, Thai Industrial Standards Institute is about to perform its potential on global stage and promote TIS 9999 Guidance on Sufficiency Economy for Industries to the international standard.
Mr.WanchaiPanomchai, the Secretary General of TISI, informed that Thai Industrial Standards Institute, a member of International Organization for Standardization – ISO, hosts a meeting of ISO/TC 292 Security and resilience VII during September 8-13, 2019 at Pullman King Power, Bangkok. More than 100 participants from 30 countries attend this meeting.
ISO/TC 292 is a meeting of Technical committee working for security and resilience of which Thailand is a Participating member (P-member). As P-member, Thailand can participate in discussion of standardization. TISI aims to promote The Late King BhumibolAdulyadej’s Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to the international standard. At the meeting of ISO/TC 292 VI in the Kingdom of Norway, representatives of Thailand proposed TIS 9999 Volume 1- 2013 Guidance on Sufficiency Economy for Industries to be ISO document. This was accepted from most of the members to develop TIS9999 into ISO/TR 22XXX:20XX Security and Resilience – Organization Resilience -Principles and Guidelines for Sufficiency and Viability.
The secretary General added that being a host of the meeting will be beneficial for all to share knowledge and experience in standardization with the members of ISO/TC 292, and it is a good opportunity for Thailand to propose TIS 9999 to be ISO standard.
TISI will conduct “The Role of ISO/TC 292 in Economic Resilience to Support the UN SDGs” to promote Sufficiency Economy Philosophy to ISO members and other participants to support standardization of ISO/TR 22XXX:20XX Security and Resilience – Organization Resilience -Principles and Guidelines for Sufficiency and Viability. The committee were ISO representatives, working group of ISO/TC 292, the ISO Vice President of Finance from Japan, the Chair Person of ISO/TC 292 from Sweden, Convener of ISO/TC 292/WG 2 Continuity and organizational resilience from United Kingdom, and the Senior Director of The Management System Certification Institute (Thailand). Deputy Managing Director of Kasikorn Research Center and the Director of Sustainability Management of Mitrphol will also share their experience on their ability of business resilience after financial crisis.