The result of 37th AMEM

H.M. Sontirat Sontijirawong Minister of Energy of the kingdom of Thailand Press Conference The result of 37th AMEM (ASEAN Minister on Energy Meeting and Associated meeting)
5 September 2019 : Today, we the ASEAN Ministers on Energy are very pleased to be here for the 37th ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meeting (AMEM) which was held during the 4 – 5 September 2019 in Bangkok, Thailand. We are here on the last session of the meeting to conclude the outcome from the past 2 days meeting.
- The Ministers noted the strong follow-up on the outcomes of the 36th AMEM held in October 2018 in Singapore and the overall progress in the implementation of the seven programme areas of the ASEAN Plan of Action for Energy Cooperation 2016-2025 (APAEC) Phase 1: 2016-2020. The Ministers also acknowledged the good progress in the development of the APAEC Phase 2: 2021-2025
- On promoting regional power integration, the Ministers welcomed the Joint Statement of Lao PDR, Thailand, Malaysia on the Power Integration Project Phase 2, to increase the maximum committed energy capacity trading of the LTM-PIP up to 300 MW. The 2-year-duration Supplementary Agreement to the Energy Purchase and Wheeling Agreement (EPWA) will be signed prior to the expiration of the present Agreement in December 2019.
- The Ministers welcomed the Feasibility Study for ASEAN Multilateral Power Trade. The recommendations on the minimum requirements included harmonised grid interconnection codes, harmonised wheeling charge methodology, provisions for third-party access to domestic grids and for data and information sharing, regulation and dispute resolution mechanisms, allocation of responsibilities among new and existing institutions, and capacity development.
- For renewable energy in the power sector, the Ministers noted the potential of cross-border interconnections to trade electricity from renewables in the region. The Ministers welcomed the conclusion of the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between ACE and the National Science and Technology Development Agency (NSTDA) of Thailand during AMEM. The MOU will support higher utilisation of bioenergy, human resource capacity development, and the work towards the establishment of an ASEAN Bioenergy Research and Development (R&D) Network Centre in the region.
- The Ministers appreciated the case study demonstrating options and best practices on strengthening biomass utilisation for power generation in the southern part of Thailand.
- On Intensifying ASEAN’s Energy reduction, the Ministers welcomed the 24.4% reduction in energy intensity achieved by ASEAN to date (based on 2005 levels).
On pursuing efficiency for lighting, the Ministers welcomed the adoption of the Regional Policy Roadmap for Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) for Lighting for the region. On efficiency for cooling, the Ministers commended the collaboration between the ASEAN standards and energy sectoral bodies.
- The Ministers welcomed the further development of the ASEAN gas and regasification infrastructure, noting that natural gas will continue to play a significant role in ASEAN Council on Petroleum.
- The Ministers acknowledged the outlook of rising power generation from coal in the region until 2040, and noted the efforts by the ASEAN Forum on Coal (AFOC) to promote clean coal technologies (CCT).
- Working with IEA to respond to ASEAN’s energy priorities, The Ministers held their annual dialogue with the IEA during AMEM and discussed the key findings of IEA’s 2019 Southeast Asia Energy. They noted that the IEA is a key strategic partner to ASEAN in helping the region tackle its energy challenges across all fuels and all technologies.
- The cooperation with IRENA on renewable energy development in ASEAN, The Ministers and the IRENA Director General discussed the global trends, outlook and challenges for global energy transformation.
- Motivating best practices through the ASEAN Energy Awards, The Ministers congratulated the 98 awardees of the ASEAN Energy Awards 2019 recognised for best practices in energy efficiency and conservation, renewable energy and excellence in energy management, and coal resource development and utilisation.
- The Sixteenth ASEAN+3 (China, Japan and Korea) Ministers on Energy Meeting. The Ministers encouraged the enhancement of energy cooperation and market integration amongst ASEAN+3 towards achieving energy security, accessibility, affordability and sustainability for the region. The Ministers reaffirmed their commitment to deepen the knowledge and information exchange amongst ASEAN+3 countries through various activities, such as capacity building programmes, joint research and publications, and demonstration projects.
- The Ministers further noted the enhanced cooperation and collaboration of ASEAN+3 in sharing best practices and policy development with relation to energy security in oil, natural gas, coal, and civilian nuclear energy.
- The Ministers also noted that the oil and gas regulatory system transparency and stability is one of the key aspects in the Oil and Gas development in ASEAN.
- For renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency and Conservation, the Ministers noted the continuation of policy consultation and capacity building efforts to support the establishment of EE programmes and expand EE markets in Lao PDR and Myanmar. The Ministers also welcomed the new initiative proposed by Japan on Cleaner Energy Future Initiative for ASEAN (CEFIA).
- On Clean Energy Roundtable Dialogue, The Ministers noted positive contribution of the 2nd ASEAN+3 Clean Energy Roundtable Dialogue held on 11-12 June 2019 in China.
- THE 13th EAST ASIA SUMMIT ENERGY MINISTERS MEETING was held in 05 September 2019 in Bangkok. Ministers discussed the progress of activities implemented by the three (3) Work Streams of the EAS Energy Cooperation Task Force (ECTF) and noted with appreciation the expanded range of fuels and technologies covered in the current regional initiatives. The ongoing and new initiatives include energy efficiency technologies, distributed energy systems, next generation biofuels, solar PVs and energy storage solutions, wind power technology, promotion of natural gas, mobility decarbonisation, carbon capture, utilization and storage (CCUS), carbon recycling and hydrogen technologies.
- For the Energy Efficiency and Conservation (EE&C) Work Stream, The Ministers noted that the EE&C work plan for 2019/2020. Including the Biofuels for Transport and Other Purposes (BTOP) Work Stream and RAPG workstream.