KBank changes Board structure

KBank changes Board structure, reducing the size of the Board from 18 directors to 15 directors, and increasing the ratio of independent directors to be over 50% in line with international good corporate governance standards.
KASIKORNBANK changes Board structure, adhering to good corporate governance practices according to international standards. The Board of Directors Meeting resolved to reduce the size of the Board from 18 directors to 15 directors, by decreasing the number of Non-Executive and Executive Directors. Moreover, after recruiting new directors, the Board will reach a size of not over 15 directors, with the ratio of independent directors over 50% of the Board, in line with international standards.

Mr. Krit Jitjang, Corporate Secretary, KASIKORNBANK, revealed that the Board of Directors Meeting of KBank, held on April 25, 2024, resolved to change the Board structure. The size of the Board will be reduced from 18 directors to 15 directors, by decreasing the number of Non-Executive and Executive Directors. The Bank reduced the Board size by six directors to 12 directors. Moreover, after recruiting new directors, the Board size will reach 15 directors, with the ratio of independent directors over 50% of the Board. Six Board members resigned from the Board to reinforce the Bank’s commitment to adhering to good corporate governance practices. These six Board members are: Mr. Sara Lamsam, and Mr. Suroj Lamsam, who resigned from their position of Non-Executive Director and their Board Committee memberships, whilst Mr.Pipit Aneaknithi, Dr.Pipatpong Poshyanonda, Mr.Chongrak Rattanapian, and Mr.Rungruang Sukkirdkijpiboon resigned from their position of Director (Authorized Signatory) and President. They will hold their current Board positions until April 30, 2024.
In addition, to ensure continuity of the Bank’s management, at the same Board of Directors Meeting, the Board resolved to appoint all the above four individuals currently holding the title of Director and President to the position of President, effective from May 1, 2024. The Board also approved the designation of the names and the number of directors with signatory authority, i.e., Ms.Kattiya Indaravijaya (Director and Chief Executive Officer), Ms.Sujitpan Lamsam (Vice Chairperson of the Board), Ms. Chonchanum Soonthornsaratoon (Director and Legal Adviser) and Mr. Kalin Sarasin (Non-Executive Director). Any two of these four directors shall be authorized co-sign with the company’s seal affixed.
Mr. Krit added that changing the Board structure not only adheres to good corporate governance practices according to international standards, but also helps bring in expertise from various fields. The additional expertise will strengthen corporate governance and enhance the robustness of the Bank to continue to deliver K-Strategy over the medium and long-term, in a rapidly changing operating environment.