SCB launches “Fraud Fighter” website

Siam Commercial Bank acknowledges the escalating sophistication and diversity of financial threats. According to Royal Thai Police statistics gathered from March 12 to 18, 2023, there were 529 reported cases of organized telephone fraud orchestrated by “call center gangs,” resulting in damages exceeding 65 million baht.
The Bank of Thailand underscores the prevalence of financial fraud threats such as call center gangs, SMS scams, and money-sucking apps, with an anticipated surge in losses from money-sucking apps totaling 1.152 billion baht projected for the past seven months from December 2022 to June 2023.

Despite rigorous protective measures, criminals continuously refine their deceptive tactics, necessitating a proactive response. In line with this, the bank is introducing a “Fraud Fighter” initiative through a dedicated website, serving as a comprehensive resource for modern fraud prevention. The primary goal is to empower Thai citizens to remain vigilant, comprehend potential risks, and take effective measures against financial scams and cyber threats. The initiative covers content spanning the entire business sector, addressing consumers under three main pillars: 1. Scam updates, 2. Prevention strategies, and 3. Guidance for those who have fallen victim to scams. This includes notifications and announcements from the Bank of Thailand and Siam Commercial Bank, along with other pertinent articles and news related to criminal dangers.
Additionally, the bank is set to launch “Nong Eh! The Series,” featuring a reliable and friendly character. The series aims to convey the experiences of individuals who have encountered danger from criminals, incorporating real cases from the Royal Thai Police, the Bank of Thailand, and social media. This information will be presented through easily digestible video content, with the overarching goal of raising awareness among the Thai population about the risks posed by criminals.

Underlining its commitment to the security of financial transactions and the protection of customer information, the bank is continually enhancing safety protocols and collaborates closely with relevant agencies to formulate effective guidelines for preventing and managing financial disasters. The initiative strives to foster awareness among the public, urging continuous monitoring of information and adherence to financial protection guidelines to mitigate the risk of falling victim to fraudsters.
Fraud protection resources can be accessed on the “Fraud Fighter” website at and by following updates on Siam Commercial Bank’s and The Standard’s social media channels across all platforms.