Thai Banking Academy launches “Thailand Taxonomy” training

Ms. Kittiya Todhanakasem, President of Thai Banking Academy (TBAC), the Thai Bankers’ Association, unveiled the Thailand Taxonomy training program which is based on official paper by Thailand Taxonomy Board. The training program aligns with Bank of Thailand’s (BOT) policies regarding sustainability and Thailand’s commitment to reduce carbon emissions according to the Paris Agreement.
The “Thailand Taxonomy” course will help financial professionals understand the goals and indicators relating to carbon reduction. The focus will be on the energy and transportation sectors, which is in the first phase of the Thailand Taxonomy. It may serve as one of the factors for evaluating credit or investments in new projects, as well as supporting businesses during the transitional phase to a more sustainable environment.
In addition, TBAC has partnered with the Worldwide Fund for Nature (WWF) on E-Learning courses that provide sustainability principles relating to credit assessment and investment considerations.