EXIM BANK organized a lecture on human rights and corporate sustainability

Mr. Rak Vorrakitpokatorn, President of Export-Import Bank of Thailand (EXIM Thailand), welcomed Professor Emeritus Vitit Muntarbhorn, Lecturer at Faculty of Laws, Chulalongkorn University and international human rights expert and professor of law, serving as the guest lecturer for a session titled “Human Rights and Organizational Sustainability” at EXIM Thailand’s Head Office on October 5, 2023.
The aim was to enhance the understanding of human rights principles among the Bank’s management and staff, and to promote EXIM Thailand’s business practices with protection, respect, and remedies for employees, customers, business partners, and all stakeholders. The lecture emphasized the importance of preventing violations or involvement in human rights abuses, aligning with EXIM Thailand’s policy to support diversity and inclusion, acknowledge individual differences, and uphold good corporate governance and social and environmental responsibility, including human rights principles.