Somkid Command Ministry of Industry Make Quick Change Compete With Vietnam.

Called Industry Officer to Visit Wakayama for Good Cooperation.
4-1-2019—Today Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak chaired the meeting with Ministry of Industry’s agencies head officers, command Ministry of Industry’s Manufacturing, Industry Promotion and Industry Product Standard works to make quick big change focusing on engineer skill building, ready to absorb modern technology, especially from Japan to grow investment expansion, Called officer to visit WAKAYAMA governor for cooperation, aiming to promote Thailand’s farm base processing production industry to support sustain development for provincial farm business to strengthen Thailand’s economy base.
Hope Thailand to be urgently developed to get the factor ready, especially the required human resource, unless he afraid over sea investor will decide to invest in Vietnam, instead of Thailand.
After return from visiting Kansai, Japan during 30 January to 2nd February 2019, today Deputy Prime Minister Somkid called head officers of Ministry of Industry’s agencies for his work overlooking. During the meeting, he said Thailand had plenty of farm products and should learn from Wakayama, Japan how to add value to the supply chain to create better value for Thai farmer, the major group of nation’s people.
He said in the pass Ministry of Industry focused too much on the labor intensive industry that Thailand received only small share in return, such as labor automotive and parts industry ., etc. He called the officers to focus more and work quicker to support farmer to develop their agriculture-industry that can learn experience and technology from the strength of Wakayama, Japan.
He told the officers that“ Our officer should visit Wakayama, Japan before Japan’s officer come to Thailand in May according to the schedule, to show our enthusiasm and intention that we interested in contacting with Wakayama, since Wakayama Governor show his kindness willing to support.” DPM Somkid quicken the officer to speed up the cooperation with Wakayama before visiting Kyoto which Ministry of Industry just signed MOU and yet has any cooperation.
“Ministry of Industry must create networking, while BOI must create the investment promotion package to promote household industry. The success of Wakayama’s orange farm factory that made great utilization from their orange, is the key model for Thailand to develop our farm product, including Durian and Dragon Eyes., etc.
It’s not the duty of Bank of Agriculture And Cooperative but is the duty of Department of Industry Promotion to create Agricultural Business, while Thai Industrial Standards Institute should support farm product to be universal reliable. Has no need to wait for new government.” Said DPM Somkid.