Five Key REC Projects Keep Pushing On Scheduled Despite Four Board Members Resignation.

30-1-2019—Despite the resignation of the four economics ministers who are members of both EEC Administrative and EEC Policy Board, the five key projects of EEC will be remain kept pushing on scheduled, said Mr.Uttama Saowanayon Minister of Industry, by the reason that hebelieve all the four vacant posts will be backed up by the remain ministers according to the founded direction of the plan and schedule.
The four resigned ministers whose resignation will all be effective on 31 January are 1) Mr.Uttama Saowanayont Minister of Industry who are The Leader PPCR Party.2)Mr.Suwit Maesinsee Minister of Science and Technology who are Deputy Leader of PPCR Party.
3) Mr.Sonthirat Sonthijirawong Minister of Commerce who are Secretary General of PPCR Party and 4) Mr.Kobsak Phutrakul Minister of Prime Minister who are Spokesman of PPCR Party.