All Local Refineries Ready Produce Euro5 Diesel by 2023.
Sustainably Solve PM2.5 Polluted Dust Problem.
13-2-2019– To expedite the measures to quickly and sustainably reduce PM 2.5 , the beyond polluted standard dust which became harming health factor, in concern, today after the Ministry of Energy, by the Minister of Energy Dr. Siri Jiraphongphan chaired the meetings attended by fuel traders and fuel oil refinery operators to consider the measures to reduce the quantity of PM 2.5 dust from cars.The meeting was concluded that all 6 Thailand’s local refineries are ready to produce Euro 5 standard Diesel by 2023.By the time unable to produce Euro 5 standard Diesel , the relevant agencies will work together on the follow ing measures;
1) To find incentives for the refinery operators in the country to have Euro 5 standard Diesel to be more widespread used in local market.
2) To study the guidelines for reducing sulfur in the Euro 4 standard diesel, with as lowest level as posible, in order to increase fuel standards to reduce air emissions, which is expected to be completed by the end of February 2019. By study how to reduce Sulphur from the original standard of 50 PPM Sulpher to about 30 PPM Sulpher, which will help maintain and better air quality.
3) To accelerate the campaign to increase the use of special grade B20 diesel fuel. By preparing to Test using B20 Diesel in general car groups, currently being used only in trucks large buses and public boat that the B20 test results do not affect the engine and carmakers accepting standards at the moment.
From the test results of the B20 in 2,075 vehicles of the BMTA (Bangkok Metropolitant Transportation Authority) found that it can reduce the problem of black smoke emissions as high as 50%, in addition to helping alleviate the problem of PM 2.5 dust, as well as helping to maintain the balance of oil palm price that can help oil palm farmers in another way.