CP JV Proposed Lower Net Cost than BTS JV Group in Airports Rail Link Project.
14-12-2018–Today SRT Acting Governor Mr. Worawoot Mala as the chairman of the committee consider three Airports Link bidding proposal disclosed after the meeting considered the financialproposa (envelope 3) l of the two bidders proposed for airports rail link that it was found that CP JV group proposed lower net figure compare with BTS joint venture group (The amount of support money requested fromgoverment minus theover all financial benefit offer to government)
The figure CP Proposed still have to be reverified.
CP requested time to call oversee share holders to join verification meeting by next week.
The commitee appointed CP share holders to verified the figure by next week no later than December 21 December 2018, at 13.00 h.
According to Mr.Worawoot CP JV group who proposed lower net cost will be the first group to be called for negotiation.
It’s means now CP JV group is Number 1 and BTS JV group is Number 2 in the bidding result.
BTS JV group has yet considered as the looser, for In case that if CP JV could not have all the figures cleary verified during the negotiation and decided to give up, the the committee has no need to start counting one again on the process and can call BTS JV for negotiation in stead.
The exact time line to announce the winning bidder of the project remain uncleared.
The process to open management potential in envelop 4
will be made after knowing the winner result of envelop 3, while the negotiation must be continue through the process.If the winner can’t be complied with the condition during the negotiation then Number 2 will be called for negotiation, according to Mr.Wormwoot the chairman of the committee.