Bangseu Smart City’s power plant feasibility needs enough air conditioning cooler water demand.

Bangseu Smart City’s power plant feasibility needs enough air conditioning cooler water demand.
There are JICA’s Study on The Smart City surrounding Bangseu Grand Station Area which the land belong to SRT.The study divided the Smart City into three phases
comprised of ;
1)Residential and Commercial.
2) Mixed Use Communities; Hospital, School, Commercial zone and Condominium.
3) Smart City Expansion Zone.
Building The Power Station in the Smart City is remain under the study of EGAT, PTT and MEA.Whether the Smart City can create enough demand of both electricity and cooler water for air conditioning is remain uncleared.
The bidding of the 15 years contract power plant for the smart city will be open for bidding in 2019.
About 200 MW demand in estimated will be for all the three smart cities surround Bangseu Grand Station Area.It was planned to have three small power generation plants with about 60-70 MW capacity each in each smart city according to JICA’s study, according to Mr.Chooliat Yangyeunbangchan MEA Director of Electricity System Planing division.
By the way, according to MEA Governor the Bangseu Power Source Station have enough capacity to supply for the whole area including the three smart cities.While having various power plant with in communities must be dissatisfied by people in the community.