Seclecting Commitee Deny Open C.P.Conrsortium Technical Envelope bid for U-Tapao Aviation City Project.
2-7-2019–Today evening RAdm(Rear Admiral) Kercchai Vajanaporn Director of Naval Intelligence Department unveiled the inspection result of Envelop One(Qualification) bidding document of U-Tapao Aviation City project open today, which the result was all three (3) bidders ,
which proposed the bidding document to The Private Operator Selectiong Commitee are all qualified to compete in U-Tapao Aviation City Project, including’s Tana Holding which remain unclear whether it’s technical and price envelope will be allow to be open to compete througout the whole bidding process.
Department of Naval News disclosed that The Seclecting Commitee of the project scheduled to open the next develop which will be The second envelope to consider techical proposal.
By the way, the selecting committee denied to open the Technical Envelop of the project proposed by C.P.lead conrsortium on the coming July 4th, by the reason that the consortium missed to proceed in time the technical evelop (envelop 6) and price offering envelope (envelope 9), according to the schedule.
The three bidders proposed and qualified to compete in construction of U-Tapao Aviation City project are comprised of
1) CHAROEN Pokphand(CP) Group
(Tana Holding Consortium ).
2) BBS Joint Venture.
3) Grande Consortium
The case C.P. group’s Tana Holding appealed to the selection t commitee and The Administrative Court to relax the command cut the right of Tana Holding bidding the envelope 6 and 9 which are technical and price and bidding envelope.
But The Administrative Court considered the court has no authority to relax the command (to enforce the selecting committee to open the technical and price bidding envelop of C.P.’s Tana Holding to compete with the other two bidders, but the court will continue consider C.P.’s Tana Holding’s right in continue the full competition of the the project, which is seems quite impossible, according to Naval Intelligence Department.